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Episode 010: Ella’s Birth Story – My Natural Birth Story Plus My Premature Baby and NICU Story
Nine years ago, I had our first baby girl, Ella. Today, I want to celebrate my sweet little girl by sharing her birth story with you. Just a brief backstory, my husband, Chaz, and I met back in college and we got married at 21....
Plant-Based Whole30 Rules + Food List
Introducing the Plant-Based Whole30! We'll be sharing in this post the Plant-Based Whole30 Rules, the food list, and everything you need to know to get started! I absolutely LOVE the Whole30 Program. I've done the entire 30 day challenge...
Episode 009: “Prep, Cook, Freeze” Virtual Book Tour with Teri Turner of No Crumbs Left
Cooking can be joyful, but some of that joy could get lost when you’re cooking day in and day out. So how do you make cooking more fun, less stressful, and awesomely tasteful? People have this idea of what meal prep is in their heads, but...
Live Probiotics for Lung Health : resB® Lung Support
I’m proactive about my lung health because we live in Colorado where there are wildfires ever summer. But there’s not a whole lot of legitimate products out there to support everyday lung health. That's why I'm so thrilled to share with...
Episode 008: Why Natural Wines are Healthiest – Dry Farm Wines with Todd White
Have you ever bothered to check the content label on the back of your wine bottle? Well, guess what, there probably isn’t any. And that’s because these large wine conglomerates do not want you to know what’s in them. The truth is, to make...