We’ve answered all your questions about and provided you a variety of options for Plant-Based Whole30 Soy Nuts. Whole30’s new Plant-Based Whole30 program allows minimally processed soy products to help you meet your daily protein intake. Soy Nuts are a healthy plant-based complete protein option to add to a variety of dishes for additional protein, crunch and yummy goodness.
What are Soy Nuts?
Soy nuts are mature soybeans soaked in water, drained, and then baked or roasted. They are an excellent plant-based source of protein, rich in omega-3s, high in fiber and antioxidents. Soy Nuts can be used in place of nuts (they might look like nuts, but they are legumes) and are one of the best ways to eat soy as it is minimally processed.
What is the best way to consume Soy Nuts?
Grab a handful as a snack on the go, add to salads, soups or stews for a crunchy topping, ground and made into a “nut” butter and used as a spread on veggies or apples.
What to avoid when buying Soy Nuts?
Avoid brands that contain unapproved seed oils (that are high in omega-3’s and cause inflammation) and preservatives. Purchase organic or Non-GMO when possible as most soybeans grown in the US are genetically modified. (GMO’s)
Are soy nuts Whole30 Compliant?
Not always! Minimally processed soy products are only compliant for the Plant-Based Whole30 program (rules here!) and NOT the traditional Whole30 program (rules here!).
Plant-Based Whole30 Soy Nuts without Seed Oils:
Sun Organic Farm
Sun Organic Farm Organic Soy Nuts, Dry Roasted, No Salt or Oil
Ingredients: Dry roasted soybeans. No salt or oil
These soy nuts are by FAR our favorite choice, as every other choice below uses seed oils, which are high in inflammation-causing omega 3’s. (Read this article on the effects of seed oils if you want to know more!)
Buy online at Sun Organic Farm
Plant-Based Whole30 Soy Nuts with Seed Oils:
The below list we can only recommend in a pinch – we wouldn’t recommend making these a part of your daily calories because of their use of seed oils.
Simple Truth (Kroger)
Simple Truth Organic Roasted and Salted Soy Nuts
Ingredients: Organic Soybeans, Organic Soybean and/or Organic Sunflower Oil, Sea Salt.
Find Simple Truth products at your local Kroger or buy online at Amazon
SunRidge Farms
SunRidge Farms Organic Roasted & Salted Soy Nuts
Ingredients: Organic Soybeans, Organic Sunflower Oil, Sea Salt
Buy online at Amazon or SunRidge Farms website.
Roasted Soybeans (Salted, Whole)
Ingredients: Dry Roasted Soybeans, Sunflower Oil, Salt.
Roasted Soybeans (Unsalted, Whole)
Ingredients: Soybeans, peanut and or sunflower oil
Buy online at Nuts.com
ProtiDiet Roasted and Salted Soy Nuts
Ingredients: Soybeans, Sunflower Oil, Salt
Find ProtiDiet soy nuts online at Amazon
Oh! Nuts
Oh! Nuts Roasted Salted Soy Nuts
Ingredients: Soybeans, Cottonseed and/or Canola oil, Salt
Oh! Nuts Roasted Unsalted Soy Nuts
Ingredients: Soybeans, Cottonseed and/or Canola oil
Buy online at the Oh! Nuts website
Larissa Veronica 
Larissa Veronica Roasted & Salted Soy Nuts
Ingredients: Soy Nuts, Vegetable Oil, Salt
Larissa Veronica Roasted Soy Nuts
Ingredients: Soy Nuts, Vegetable Oil
Find Larissa Veronica Soy Nuts at Walmart or shop online at Amazon
What is the difference between dry roasted and only roasted?